- Natalia Makarova, head of marketing communications at Siemens Russia;
- Maria Simonova, spokeswoman of NLMK;
- Kristina Bykovskaya, PR manager at LafargeHolcim Russia;
- Leonid Simakov, head of press office at Platform OFD;
- Ksenia Rabizova, PR specialist at SCM;
- Aleksandr Panchenko, head of marketing department at CloudPayments;
- Anna Maligina, PR manager at Diasoft;
- Lidia Kapitanova, head of marketing department at SHL Russia;
- Aleksandra Nenilina, marketing specialist at SHL Russia;
- Ksenia Tolchainova, corporate marketing specialists at Element Group;
- Arina Vasilieva, head of PR department at ICL Services.
The case-conference "PR in B2B' will be held on 6 December in the hotel "Alfa" (Moscow).
Tickets and extra information are available on B2B Journal website.