“We have identified the most relevant trends in communications in 2017 and combined them into three thematic blocks: Technological methods with media,emotional and visual technologies and technology of film directing in communications. Each of the three sections of the conference is the unique three-hour course on the use of new technologies in PR, DIGITAL, EVENT projects or in complex multi-channel projects. Most of the conference speakers represent agencies that were the first to develop new technologies. To my mind, the value of such a course is off the charts” - says Ksenia Alekseevna,managing partner of communication agency Fresh Russian Communications,the organizer of the conference.
The first part of the conference is devoted to new technologies of working with media in the DIGITAL era. Classic press releases, dull commentary, scheduled interviews and feeble press conference are likely to end. The very concept of the media is changing. Mass Media is no longer the only contender for this title,and thus give rise to new technology and work’s formats of new media.
The section will host a roundtable discussion on the topic: "New formats of press events: Western and Russian experience"
Communication in the age of digital technology and what this conference is about (Ksenia Alekseeva, Fresh Russian Communications)
10:10 - 10:40
Phigital-transformation of communications (Eugene Shanskaya, MAAS AGENCY)
10:40 - 11:10
Situational PR: how to assess the effectiveness in newsjacking (Nadezhda Sedova, SKAN-Interfax)
11:10 - 11:40
Native projects vs Media Relations (Evgeniy Kovrin, Sports.ru & Tribuna.com)
11:40 - 12:30
Round table "New formats of press events: Western and Russian experience"
Participants: Svetlana Ashheulova (Public Opinion Foundation(FOM)), Anastasia Anichenkova (Dell EMC), Eugeniya Lampadova (Lamp Agency), Anna Zagumennaya (PR Partner), Yana Kharitonova (city of the XXI century), Elena Shedova (Softline).
In the second part of the conference we will focus on the emotional and visual communications. The texts give way not to the images but to the content which involves all the senses, creates a sense of presence, amazes, engages, complements the reality and forces us to empathize. Here we will discuss the emoji-communications, new types of content, visual storytelling, MicroVideo, the disappearing content, the possibilities of “live”.
14:00 - 14:30
Trendwatching in communication (Ksenia Lery, Transcaer Bureau)
14:30 - 15:00
The era of the Content Wars: new formats of social media posts (Damir Faizullov, PR Partner)
15:00 - 15:30
Emotions and facts: Sell the information (Ekaterina Belousova, Lingualeo)
15:30 - 16:00
Branding and art: how to make creative partnership be effective (Anastasia Eleva, Grayling Russia)
16:00 - 16:30
Chase or not chase in 60 seconds. Features of successful short video (Julia Arsenova, BeSeed)
The section, dedicated to the technologies of directing of communication,will finish the conference. This is one of the brightest trends in 2017, which is based on the number of successful cases. These series, stories, thoughtful and manageable plots, which will be more and more. Directing of communication in the commercial sector comes to life in Russia with new force, drawing on the successful experience in political communications and the rapid growth in digital communication (virtual reality technologies, augmented reality with the format of 360°).
17:00 - 17:30
Techniques of American TV series in advertising and PR (Yaroslav Kataev,creative “TomSawyer” Agency )
17:30 - 18:00
Event communications: theory and practice of audience management and information field (Anastasia Polonskaya, Brave Mind Education)
18:00 - 18:30
Multi-access interaction in virtual reality in communication (Dmitry Kirillov, Cerevrum Company)
18:30 - 19:00
Storytelling in communications (Natalia Maxwell-Jackson, Svetlana Sergeeva, AG-Loyalty)
The moderator of the conference - Ksenia Alekseeva, managing partner of Fresh Russian Communications Agency.
The conference will be held on April 12 from 10:00 to 19:00 at the hotel “Alfa” hotel complex “Izmailovo” in:Moscow, Izmailovskoe highway, 71, building A.
Booking tickets is available on the website www.msk.frc-conf.com and TimePad.ru. Tickets cost is from 3 000 to 12 500 rubles.
SCAN Interfax is the General partner of the conference. Official partners: АКАR, RAEC, Adindex.ru, PR News.
The official hashtag of the conference: #FRCconf2017