Yana Garanko, PR director SEMrush, opened the conference presenting company’s case based on Data PR and showed how the efficiency of a PR campaign can be measured throughout digital tools.
Anna Malygina, PR manager Diasoft, paid attention on image-building PR in the financial area and revealed the results of the special project realized by Diasoft and VTB Bank.
Head of marketing department Siemens Russia, Natalia Makarova shared her experience in using social media as a part of B2B communication strategy. She also explained how and why it is necessary to involve CEO in digital communlaications.
Leonid Simakov, PR and marketing director Ptforma OFD, told how using analytics, PR and digital, his team managed to change the company’s image from a simple intermediary of financial transactions to an IT company.
Ksenia Tolchainova, corporate marketing specialist Element Group, said how emotional branding helped to maintain company’s stable growth, to attract new staff members and unite employees for solving strategic tasks.
Maria Simonova, NLMK spokeswoman, presented the company's social project "Steel tree", aimed at increasing the level of environmental responsibility of the population and allowing to solve a whole range of other company’s tasks.
Natalia Aschenkampf, communications Director of Becar Asset Management, shared her crisis communication case studies in in the field of commercial real estate management.
Arina Vasilieva, PR director Becar Asset Management, described the process of organizing the Club of Media experts inside the company and the benefits it gave for the PR department.
Kristina Bykovskaya, PR manager LafargeHolcim Russia, spoke about the PR of acute social topics that formed the basis of the company's communication strategy.
Lidia Kapitanova, head of marketing department SHL Russia, and Alexandra Nenilina, marketing specialist SHL Russia, shared their experience in creating friendly content for explaining complicated topics.
Olga Ivanova, head of marketing department Siegenia Gruppe, presented the cross-industry project, which the company brought into life in 2019 together with business school "Synergy".
The final part of the conference was devoted to the research B2B Communication Vector 2020 conducted this summer by Fresh Russian Communications Agency. More than 150 B2B communication specialists took part in it. The aim of the research was to determinate the possible ways of B2B Communication development.